LEED Certified Homes

LEED for Homes is a rating system that promotes the design and construction of high-performance green homes. It is a nationally recognized seal of quality, providing peace of mind that a LEED home is designed to deliver improved water and energy efficiency for years to come.

Energy Efficiency

LEED takes a whole-house view of energy efficiency, incorporating everything from air tightness to high efficiency light bulbs, fixtures and appliances. LEED-certified homes use 30-50% less energy, on average, than homes built to code.

Renewable Energy Sources

On-site renewable energy systems like Cromley Row’s geothermal heating and cooling meet a substantial portion of a home’s electricity demand, reducing the amount of greenhouse gases generated over the life of a home.

Smart Material Management

LEED homes use recycled, reclaimed, locally produced, and responsibly obtained materials wherever possible. And LEED requires builders to minimize waste during construction, and to divert unavoidable waste into recycling and reuse programs.

Clean, Fresh Air Indoors

LEED encourages improving indoor environmental quality through the use of efficient HVAC systems that bring filtered outdoor air inside, and by sourcing non-toxic carpets and paints wherever possible.

Water Efficiency

LEED homes use high-efficiency fixtures and fittings like dual flush toilets and low-flow faucets to conserve water.

A Sustainable Site

Landscaping with native plants promotes biodiversity in the surrounding ecosystem and reduces pesticide use. Mandatory erosion controls during construction help keep dirty water out of nearby waterways.

For more information about LEED, read the Green Home Guide by USGBC